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The Importance of Math and Technologies in the Classroom

Mathematical studies and the development technology are interconnected. In fact, modern technology would be impossible without the contribution of mathematicians. Mathematical concepts are employed in the development of medical treatments, the creation of transportation systems, and the development of energy sources that are efficient.

Many students don’t know why math is so important to them. Utilizing technology in the classroom can help them make these connections. They can gain knowledge about the mathematical applications using interactive worksheets and data visualization tools. They can engage in games that help them practice and solve problems. By providing these experiences teachers can encourage students in the learning of math and show them how it is relevant to their daily lives.

Research suggests that apps and websites with manipulatives specific to content that let students interact can be as effective as physical manipulatives in aiding student engagement. For example, rekenreks and geoboards are virtual tools that make it easy for students to visualize and represent numbers in various formats. They can be used to solve problems as well as for understanding numbers and algebraic reasoning.

Another reason to use technology in the classroom is to cut down on time by letting students work with the data rather than manually formulating it. This allows students to focus on the meaning of data and the relationships among variables involved in the problem. For example, students can enter data for graphing a problem and the computer program will draw the graph for them.

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