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How to Compose a Job Posting

A well-written job ad is your first contact with potential candidates. It’s the first opportunity for your business to display your values and culture in a compelling manner. A well-written job description can generate interest for the job and your company, resulting in higher quality applications and interviews.

Alongside describing the job, and describing the qualifications such as education, certifications experiences, and preferred qualifications A great job description should also contain important information about your hiring process from start to the point of completion. This will ensure that both you and the applicants are on the same page in terms of what they can expect. It also helps to prevent ghosting, drop-offs, and a more fair and efficient hiring process.

Use a clear and concise language that is simple to comprehend for any type of audience. Avoid jargon or cliches that can make it difficult for potential candidates. Employ job advertisements to promote your diversity initiatives. Be sure that the language used does not exclude anyone.

Additionally, don’t overlook to include the main advantages and perks on your job descriptions. Include any benefits your company offers, such as free lunches or offices with a great view, in your job description. These can be enough to convince someone to select you over your competition. You should also mention any community or volunteer involvement that your company is involved in. This is something prospective employees are looking for when choosing which company to apply to.

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